If we have helped you to make the shortest list of your top favorite properties, now is the time to cut this list and to make the last choice. This time we come with the most common questions that you should ask when viewing your property for the second and third time before deciding which one to buy.
Most probably you will decide for the property that you wouldn’t have to invest a lot, and we suggest to check more the overall conditions of the building. Much about it you can see, but still there are few more things you should find out from previous owner or a rent agent.
Check and ask:
- Is there any need for additional repairs?
- How good are roof, isolation, electricity and other installation? Is there any need for changing them soon?
- How far is the nearest junk yard and is there some of contaminants in the property?
- In case that you plan to build something more in the yard or at the building check if the property poses the all construction permits and what is the maximum that you can throw out.
In order to be sure that you are paying the right price for a property go and check the other houses on sale in a neighborhood, however try to be realistic enough and before put on paper everything that you get with the price of your house.
With your agent check once more from when on is the house available. Before signing the agreement check again the status of the property and all previous ownership lists, so that you avoid any further complications with registering the property at your name.
Once you have finished with buying procedure we suggest stop looking any other property, as most probably you will come to some offer that may make you regret for not looking more. Even in this case
there is no need for regrets because you can always sell this house for another one. Don’t forget every house find its buyer!