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Dedinje Real Estate

5 faktora koji utiču na krajnju cenu nekretnina

Kada analiziramo cene nekretnina na tržištu, obično ih poredimo sa drugim cenama, ali se one formiraju zahvaljujući nekim drugim faktorima. Svakako najznačajniji su trendovi na međunarodnom tržištu i vrednosti kamatnih stopa i oni su naročito bitni za velike oscilacije u cenama tokom velikih ekonomskih previranja, ali za sve ostale manje i češće promene u cenama…

5 Factors that influence final price of the property

When we analyze property prices at the market we usually compare them with other comparable properties, but prices are formed thanks to several main factors. One of the most significant are trends at the international market and interest rates, especially in the time of big economic upside downs, however in other smaller and frequent changes at…

Najbolji Real Estate luksuzni apatmani za uživanje u svakom trenutku

Ukoliko ste od onih koji provodi dosta vremena u svom životnom prostoru i ukoliko tržite moderan i prostran, ali istovremeno i jedinsven, funkcionalan i ne precenjen smeštaj, mi Vam preporučujemo  top 3 apartmana iz trenutne ponude Real Estate agencije za iznajmljivanje i prodaju nekretnina. Potpuno opremljen nov luksuzni apartman na Vračaru Ako volite moderan minimalistički…

Nice Real Estate luxury apartments to enjoy every moment

If you are that kind of person that spends a lot of time in their living space and if you look for modern and spacey accommodation, but still unique, functional and not overestimated we recommend top three special apartment offers from the current Real-estate property basis. Fully furnished new luxury apartment in Vračar If you…

Kako nove tehnologije i Internet utiču na posao sa nekretninama?

Kao i u svakoj drugoj sferi, razvoj tehnologija i Interneta menja i posao sa nekretninama.  Agencije za promet nekretninama su svesne da zahvaljujuću savremenoj Internet tehnologiji klijenti postaju edukovaniji, zbog čega su prisiljeni da menjaju svoj prisup kupcima i korisnicima svojih usluga prodaje i najma. Zahvaljujući dostupnosti informacija korisnici su bolje informisani i kao takvi…

How technologies and Internet influence real estate business?

As in every other sphere rise of technology and the Internet is changing real estate in many aspects too. Real estate agencies are aware that thankful to all present Internet technology customers are becoming more educated why they have to develop complete different approach to property buyers in the sale process. Due to this trend…

Šta pitati prilikom drugog ili trećeg razgledanja kuće?

Ukoliko smo vam prošlog puta pomogli da napravite najuži izbor vaših najomiljenijih nekretnina za kupovinu, sada je vreme da ovu listu još suzite i napravite poslednji izbor. Ovoga puta vam donosimo najčešća pitanja koja treba da postavite prilikom drugog, trećeg ili četvrtog razgledanja, pre nego što i konačno odlučite koju nekretninu ćete zaista kupiti. Najverovatnije ćete se odlučiti…

What to ask on the second and third viewing of the house?

If we have helped you to make the shortest list of your top favorite properties, now is the time to cut this list and to make the last choice. This time we come with the most common questions that you should ask when viewing your property for the second and third time before deciding which one to…

What to ask when buying a house?

It is well known that the most of people are learning from their own mistakes, but when buying a house you should probably try to listen the advices from other people in order to escape this kind of experience that can cost a lot. No matter you are buying your house on your own or you have…

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